Shower repairs – Shower repair and maintenance tips

In terms of feelings of pleasure and relaxation, there are fewer finer things in life than getting home after a tough day, and cleaning yourself in a warm and soothing shower, as the hot water rinses over your body and washes your troubles and tension away. A shower is considered one of the most beneficial and important home appliances you could ever wish for, due to the fact that it will not only help keep you clean hygienic, but it will also help make you feel better in the process.

Shower repairs and general shower maintenance however, is a whole other story as repairing and caring for your shower is not simple feat. A lot of people will simply buy a shower, have it installed, and will then let it run itself into the ground, without caring for it or maintaining it. shower repairs london uk

This however, is far from ideal as failing to care for and to maintain your shower, will only leave you with a great deal more to do in the near future. Small problems can eventually go on to become bigger problems, which is why you need to act early, and get there before things do get worse. Here are some tips on avoiding having to deal with shower repairs later on in life, as we look at general shower repair and maintenance tips for you to consider.

Examine your seals regularly – One of the main reasons why shower repairs are so common, and one of the primary reasons why plumbers tend to get so much work on a weekly basis, is down to the fact that shower seals can get worn away with time, which means that water from the shower can leak through tiles and through the ceiling. Now, in most cases this is a minor inconvenience as only a slight leak will occur, but if you fail to notice the leak, the wooden floorboards can eventually rot due to the water, and that is where ceilings can collapse, which can cost thousands. Examine your shower seals regularly, and perhaps even test them by trying to isolate certain areas and testing their water tightness.

Regularly soak your shower head – Removing a shower head is not a tough job, and it is certainly not time consuming either, yet people are still hesitant to do so. By removing the shower head, you can then inspect it for damage, but on top of that, you can also clean it and de-scale it. Lime scale will eventually build up around all appliances that rely on water, but if your water is especially hard, lime scale can build up much quicker than usual. To de-scale your shower head, either submerge it in a sink full of de-scaling solution, or alternatively, spray it with a specialist de-scaler, and seal it in an airtight plastic bag and soak it overnight. The next day, rinse it off and it should be sparkling clean, and it should also work much more effectively as well.

Don’t use the shower for too long – Although after a tough day, or when you’re feeling especially cold, it can be tempting to have a long shower and to just relax and have a nice little think about life (we all do it in the shower, after all) in order for you to keep your shower in perfect working order, you should make sure that you don’t use it more than you have to. Like all things in life, the more it is worked, and the harder it is worked, the more likely it will be to break and malfunction. Of course you should still shower daily, but if you’re guilty of showering for 10 – 15 minutes at a time, try to cut back to just 5 minutes as that gives you more than enough time to wash yourself and feel the benefits, without overworking your shower. Besides which, by reducing the amount of time you spend in the shower, you are not only helping to prolong the life of your shower, you are also doing your bit for the environment as you are using less water and energy, plus your water and heating bill will be lower as well, so it really is a win-win.

Think before tiling in your shower – Although from an aesthetic standpoint, showers that are tiled into the wall generally tend to look much nicer, the major drawback with that is that if the shower does develop a leak behind the tiles, in order to get to the pipe and fix the leak, you will need to remove the tiles, which will take time and cost money. Obviously a shower isn’t forced to develop one of these problems, but it is certainly a possibility, so when it comes to shower repairs, always bear that in mind.

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